Sarah Welsh
I want to explain my relationship with art. Or perhaps more accurately - to the creative process itself! Life, to me, is Art; is creating. Each of us has a unique perspective, based on life experiences, and when we reflect on our lives we can see patterns, and with the noticing of those patterns we witness our own evolving trajectory. We might have yearnings for love or ambitions for fame or brilliant inventions we want to put forth into the world…this is made possible through the creative process. It is my personal mission to support the creative process and to welcome you as part of the creative community!
In my life I began-as most children do- with loving to pretend. Pretending allowed me to try on roles that adults played, to better understand the world. It also offered a way to escape things that were beyond comprehension or endurance if I faced them head on. Coping with early hardships was made bearable by employing imagination to escape and to develop compassionate understanding.
Art for me is a recognition of soul inhabiting the gift of life. Whether it’s a song or a dance or a tragedy acted out- the arts help us feel indivisible from the human experience. We belong.
My first performance ever was as an 11 year old ballerina, in which I danced on pointe knowing my beloved 5th grade teacher, Mr. Wallace, was in the audience. His witnessing presence made me feel I belonged. Later, as a young teen I went (as a lark) to watch some friends audition for a show, and was encouraged to come up on stage and try myself…and was genuinely surprised and thrilled to be cast as the lead! Acting was probably the art form in my life that was most innate to me and that I felt was my primary gift. I remember the rush of knowing a characters’ life and how to express the myriad emotions in ways that breathed life into the script so an audience could engage in that collective human experience. I loved it more than anything, but one day I did not want to be front and center anymore. A certain healing had taken place in experimenting and experiencing the art of performance; I no longer wanted or needed to be in the limelight.
I needed to be quieter, more at the service of others and less outward, perhaps. I always wrote and began writing more. It’s a reflective art form that has kept me sane. I also began experimenting with all kinds of art, and yearning to better my skills at seeing and making. I reenrolled in school to finish my degrees and learn how to teach. Teaching itself became a creative practice, an evolving art form.
I was hired as an Art(S) teacher and thought ‘how amazing!”- I can teach ALL the art forms I have loved; dancing, acting, creative writing and visual arts! But after the first week, I realized that was wa-aay too chaotic (ha!) and zeroed into on ONE form- VISUAL art. I evolved in the art of teaching as well as my own communication through art with kids. I do miss the magic of seeing children engaged in creating and charged up with the elation of having made something with their hands, but it is time for something different. Again!
Teaching adults is a new challenge for me. I’m excited! Excited but also trying to make peace with the inner critic-(that scourge!): “You are not ‘good enough’ to teach adults, who the hell do you think you are-you audacious scamp!” Well, here’s the thing- I am not an expert in art, but I think it could be viewed as an asset that I inhabit perpetual ‘beginner mind”. I am still evolving and learning. I AM pretty expert in the creative process itself, though. I am a good teacher in that I feel everyone I encounter is my equal. Worthy of respect. We are all human beings deserving of a space to BE TRUE to ourselves and create freely in. I want to provide that kind of space and time for others! I’m ready to have you in my studio home.
Now then, shall we…? In creating together, I know we will find that each of us BELONG.